Does Dreaming About Someone Mean They’re Thinking of You?

Dreams hold hidden and powerful messages, Our thoughts send out vibes that can reach others through some kind of invisible connection in the universe.

Ryan Hwa
6 min readMay 3, 2024
Does Dreaming About Someone Mean They’re Thinking of You? ©Article cover made by the author & Photo by Mo Eid

In my experience and belief, dreaming about someone can sometimes create a connection with them. Dreams show us there’s more to our existence than what we see, hinting at different layers of reality.

While some dreams are just in our minds, I think others go deeper, linking us to people on a different level.

Sometimes if you dream about someone, they can sense it.

But it doesn’t happen every time.

People have tried to figure out if dreaming about someone makes them miss you, but most say there’s no direct connection.

However, I’ll try to give a different perspective that hasn’t been talked about much.

There were moments when I dreamt of someone and they seemed to feel it too, but it’s not a sure thing:

Just recently, I had this random dream about someone. It was so vivid tho, it’s just casual dream but I rarely dream about someone especially her. We were going hangout somewhere in the middle of the park in the city, enjoying the spring season. When I woke up I feel weird, because I almost never dream about her.

That when she texted me out of the blue less than 48 hours later, I was completely surprised. We hadn’t spoken in ages, but it felt like the dream had somehow foreshadowed our reconnection. (to protect someone’s privacy, I can’t mention her name)

In my opinion, it’s different for everyone, but around the 5th and 6th hours of sleep, especially when you’ve slept well, you’re more likely to have dreams that feel like they predict the future.

This is another real example,

Also, I once dreamed about my forex trading. In the dream, I made a lot of profitable trades but instead of taking a profit, I let my positions ride because I wanted to maximize my profits. However, when I finally decided to close my positions to secure my profits, I couldn’t, it’s like an error or bug and then I ended up losing everything I had invested in forex trading in my dream.

When I woke up, I told to myself it was just a dream. But of course, it really affected my mood that day. And believe it or not, on the same day, I experienced exactly what was in my dream. I made a huge profit that day and I showed my friend. My friends reminded me to take profit, but I insisted that I was confident the price would continue to fall and I would make a lot of money. However, the next day, the price actually went up, and because I was have many position with no little lots, I had to call for margin for the umpteenth time.

And this happened in not so long ago, around February, 2024.

These dreams can give you answers sometimes or make you feel connected to someone, even making them think of or miss you.

Not every dream at this time is super important, but it’s when these experiences often feel the strongest.

If someone feels connected to you or is sensitive, they might sense the vibes from your dream, especially if they’ve had an out-of-body experience.

They might suddenly think of you or even give you a surprise call. There’s more to it than just dreams in these situations.

When it comes to dreams, these two situations are the ones I understand best. Let me share my thoughts from a spiritual perspective.

If we don’t explore this topic further, we’re left with a big question: Why? Some might give a simple “Yes” answer, but that doesn’t feel complete to me.

Even though I’m influenced by the physical world, like many others, I don’t find a simple “Yes” satisfying.

Instead of just accepting it, shouldn’t we try to understand more about why this happens?

Our dreams often reflect our reality, or our reality shape our dreams.

Consider these points:

  • Everything, including our thoughts, dreams, and the astral plane, is made of energy. It’s all connected.
  • We’re not just physical; we have many layers of existence, like physical, astral, mental, and higher dimensional bodies. Our higher consciousness interacts in ways we can’t fully understand, but our subconscious picks up on it.
  • Our consciousness in the dream plane can transmit energy and connections to others we dream about because we probably have a strong bond with them.
  • During dreams, parts of our consciousness may exist in higher planes, leading to passive perceptions and connections with others’ higher bodies.
  • Others may sense this energetic connection on an astral level, creating a subconscious awareness of our connection, especially if the physical bond is strong.
  • We astral project every night, even if we don’t remember. Our consciousness is both in the astral plane and connected to our physical body during dreams.
  • Just like in the physical world, interactions happen in the astral plane too. For instance, someone astral traveling to convey a message to a medium. These interactions are common in higher planes.

It’s like drawing a circle:

  • This can lead to the other person becoming consciously aware of your energy.
  • Your higher bodies feel the energy of that person as you dream.
  • The other person’s higher bodies sense your energy interacting with theirs.
  • You dream about someone.

What if our entire experience of life is also just another layer of dreaming?

The question starts with the idea that you’re dreaming about someone. What’s often overlooked is whether this dream is just one layer or part of a deeper dream sequence.

We usually think we’re fully awake when we wake up from a dream, but what if our entire experience of life is also just another layer of dreaming?

What if our existence as mortals is just a dream within the mind of an advanced human, who themselves is dreaming about being an advanced being?

If being an advanced human is also a dream, then we’re talking about a dream within a dream.

Here’s what I think:

In this case, we’re dreaming about specific people. So, to answer the original question:

Yes, it’s possible! that as eternal beings dreaming about being advanced, then mortal, we’re experiencing a dream within a dream within a dream that makes others miss us. They might be dreaming alongside us using the same advanced human dream system.

Furthermore, if we have a special connection with another advanced being as “eternal mates,” meeting them as mortals would create a unique bond. We’d miss them and want to be with them while living our mortal dream.

Does that make sense? Maybe not completely, but I get points for thinking outside the box, right?

Wrap it up

Dreaming about someone doesn’t mean always they’re thinking about you.

Dreams happen because your brain is active during sleep and can be influenced by memories, emotions, and life experiences.

Usually, dreaming about someone shows your own feelings or thoughts about them or what’s going on in your subconscious.

Remember, dreams aren’t always exactly what they seem and don’t always have a clear meaning most of time.

I hope you found my article informative and helpful.

Please let me know what you think, God bless you, Love you all, and take care!

Check out our publication about Narcissism if you want to learn more or join us to write: Me and Narcissism

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❤ Thank you Everyone! Love you all, Stay Vibrate Higher — Ryan Hwa❤

